5 Tricks to Find Motivation to Clean

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By: Amanda Frittz

We all have those days where our alarm clock goes off and we can’t seem to hit snooze enough.

Unfortunately, the world doesn’t always work on our schedule. Sometimes you have dinner plans and you just can’t allow yourself a lazy day (I’m totally pro-lazy days occasionally, however).

Luckily, there are some super quick fixes to help boost your motivation – guaranteed!

Set a 15 Minute Timer for Each Room

You’d be shocked at how much you can accomplish is a short set amount of time. Yes, even just 15 minutes!

Cleaning does NOT typically take us much time as we believe it does. So, try setting a 15-minute timer in each room, and clean until it stops. Once the timer goes off you can move on to the next room, or if you’re feeling extra motivated set another 15-minute timer and keep cleaning the same room.

Reward Yourself

I work really well on reward-based systems. Seriously! I love working hard so I can treat myself after (or before) I finish a task.

A reward doesn’t have to be something that only benefits you either, it can benefit your whole family. Maybe your reward for organizing your pantry can be a new storage container, or your reward for deep cleaning the living room can be fresh flowers.

I’ve realized for myself, that having something I admire like flowers, or a nice looking organization system can help encourage me to maintain a tidy home.

There’s something to be said for making your home a space you don’t want to leave. The more I perfect my closet organization and other often neglected spaces in my home the more motivated I am to keep them clean and the more at peace I am with my homes atmosphere.

Woman sleeping on a bed

Restart Your Day

Sometimes your day just gets off to the wrong start and it can throw everything else off.

When this happens try going to your bedroom and taking a 10 minute refresh. You can wash your face, brush your teeth, pray, and even get dressed in a new outfit. Act like it’s a new day and give yourself a restart.

This can be such a mood lifter! Don’t let a bad start to your day ruin the whole day. We might not be in control of our circumstances, but we are in control of our outlook.

Sometimes all you need to boost your motivation is to hit the do-over button and start from point A.

Give Yourself Grace

If you’re overwhelmed by your to-do list then sometimes you just have to be okay with giving yourself grace and not getting everything done.

I know from firsthand experience that sometimes having too many things to do can stop you from doing anything at all. If your to-do list is out of hand and you’re so overwhelmed it’s stopping you from doing anything then cut back.

You can even go to your husband and express that you’re overwhelmed and ask what 1-2 things he values being tidy most.

Start with those, and then work your way down your to-do list. If you don’t finish in one day, don’t worry. You tried, and your husband will feel valued by you prioritizing his preferences even if you don’t finish all that you had hoped to.

Pin Image - Woman folding laundry

Come to the Lord

Sometimes we just need to have a talk with our heavenly father and find strength in him.

If you can’t seem to find motivation consider praying or reading some bible verses that are applicable to your situation. God has so much encouragement for a women’s role in the home!

If you come to him with a soft heart you are surely going to have a renewed spirit of purpose and value in your role and duties.

Here are some Bible Verses that help encourage me to fulfill my daily duties and give me strength:

Proverbs 31:10-31

1 Peter 5:7

2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Philippians 4:13

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