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By: Amanda Frittz
Now that I’m married and have a home I take a lot of pride in my role as being a housewife. It’s crazy how many things can go unnoticed when your focus isn’t on making your house a clean, inviting, and warm home to live in. Now, that I’ve gotten into the swing of things there are a few healthy home habits I’ve picked up that I wanted to share with you guys!

1) Color Coordinate Your Cleaning Rags
Personally, the idea of using the same rags I use to clean the bathroom and using them to clean the kitchen grosses me out. I know they’re washed, but unless your washer reaches above a certain temperature or you use bleach you may not be killing all the bacteria! EWWW. So, I have white rags designated to the bathroom and floors, grey rags designated to the kitchen, and colorful rags designated for my face.
2) Switch to Natural Cleaning Products
Whenever you can, go natural. It’s so much better for you to breathe in and it’s better for the environment! If going natural seems a little pricey – don’t be fooled! There are so many natural brands that offer discount bundles and it often makes it the same price as the toxic stuff you can get at any store. Try Honest and Grove Collaborative to save some money and still buy natural!
3) Dust Multiple Times a Week
I know this one sucks. Dusting is a drag, especially dusting your blinds, but it needs to be done. Getting rid of the dust build up in your house helps the air quality and if you have pollen or pet allergies you should notice some relief by dusting often. PRO TIP: Fill a bowl with soapy water and dip a rag into it periodically while dusting your house. When the water becomes discolored refill the bowl with fresh water and soap and repeat. This is SO MUCH more effective than dry dusting.

4) Clean Your Bed Sheets Weekly
This is probably already a known fact, but it’s so IMPORTANT. Your bed sheets accumulate oils from your hair and face, sweat, dust mites, and a whole bunch of grossness. So, if not more at least clean your bedsheets on a weekly basis. Make sure to wash with a gentle and natural detergent so your skin doesn’t get irritated! Also, I always throw my sheets in for a pre-soak and extra rinse to really get that deep clean.
5) Move Your Furniture When You Vacuum
I get that moving every chair in your house each day you vacuum is not realistic. However, at least once a month you should be moving any furniture your vacuum can’t completely get under and cleaning it. It’s amazing how much dust, and if you have animals hair collects under your furniture! While you’re moving your chairs out of the way also make sure to clean their base as the pegs tend to collect a lot of dust and hair as well.
6) Clean Your Kitchen Before You Cook
I know… This seems backward, but it’s not! You want to make sure that all the surfaces you’ll be preparing food on are clean and sanitary. This doesn’t have to be a deep clean, but make sure to disinfect all your counters, your sink, and give your stove and oven a quick cleaning if necessary.
7) Use Essential Oil Sprays to Freshen up Your Rooms
Essential oil sprays are a great way to naturally freshen up your house without the toxic chemicals in most room sprays. The bonus part is that you can choose a smell tailored to what you need that day (lavender for calming, peppermint for allergy relief, eucalyptus for breathing, etc.).
8) Use Natural Toiletry Items
This is so IMPORTANT. Don’t go for the big name brands when buying shampoo, deodorant, tampons, or toothpaste. There are so many not so good for you ingredients that will be absorbed into your body on a daily basis! Switch to more natural brands like Jason, Schmidt, or whatever brand you prefer.

9) Step Away From Your Phone
Take at least 30 minutes a day where you allow yourself quiet time with no phone, tv, or radio as a distraction. Use this time to stretch, read your bible, take a bath, whatever you need to unwind and relax.

10) Start Your Day with Water
It’s crucial to drink enough water each and every day. If you don’t you’ll risk your energy dropping and your appetite seeming bigger than it normally is. If you start your day and every meal with a glass of water you’ll be less likely to overeat and won’t be dehydrated.
Awesome article.